Registration form

We’re pleased that your school wants to join us for conference this year.


Registration is open until Friday, 26 April.


After you complete and submit your application, an IRIS team member will email you to confirm your place. They will send you the ‘2024 Student Conferences Permission Form’, which will need to be signed by a parent or guardian. To secure your spot, you must collate and email all completed permission forms to by 24th May.


Please submit only one registration form per school. If you have any further changes to your application please email us.

  • Section 1: School and teacher registration

  • If this staff member will also be attending the conference, please also provide:

  • Please list the names of all school staff who will be accompanying students below, along with any dietary or accessibility requirements.

  • This field is hidden when viewing the form
  • Has your school attended an IRIS Conference before?

  • Section 2: Student registration

    Before registering your students, please note:

    • Students must be registered for an IRIS project to attend.
    • All students must develop an academic poster to attend.
    • A maximum of five students are allowed in each poster group.
    • All posters will be printed by IRIS and displayed at conference.
    • Students must be accompanied and supervised by school staff in line with the school's educational visits policy.
    • Students aged 11 to 18 can attend.
    • There is an opportunity for a limited number of school groups to present their research. Please express your interest below. We’ll contact you in May to confirm availability and may request to see presentations as part of the selection process.

    Project details

  • This field is hidden when viewing the form
  • Once you’ve submitted this registration, you’ll receive a confirmation email within 5 working days. The '2024 Student Conferences permission form’ will be attached to this confirmation and signed copies must be returned to IRIS via email.

    The information collected in this form, will be used by IRIS to facilitate the planning and running of the IRIS Conferences 2024. This information will be stored securely by IRIS and not shared with any other organisation unless agreement has been obtained from the school or parents/carers.

    IRIS will destroy personal data once the event and all related matters have been concluded. At any time, the school, individual students and staff have the right to withdraw consent and request that data held by IRIS is deleted. This can be done by contacting IRIS.