IRIS Alumna becomes published author with her cosmic ray research
Surayyah Amatul Aziz , IRIS alumna and former Bordesley Green Girls’ School student, had her first paper published in a peer-reviewed journal last week. Her article locating sources of high energy cosmic ray extensive air shower using HiSPARC data appeared in the Journal of Emerging Investigators.
Surayyah was over moon when she heard the news. She shared her appreciation of IRIS’ support on social media: “I am immensely grateful for the invaluable assistance I received from the Institute for Research in Schools in publishing my first ever scientific research paper at this young age!”
Richard Phillips, IRIS school engagement lead, who worked with Surayyah on preparing and submitting her paper as part of the IRIS Young Researcher Programme, said, “This is an amazing achievement and an excellent piece of work.”
Surayyah was awarded IRIS Best Researcher for her cosmic ray research in 2022.
Read Surayyah’s paper.